아이출석 키패드-학원출석,출결관리,학원관리 앱

by 아이출석 - 학원관리프로그램 및 프&#4...



It is an attendance keypad app used to check school attendance.hello~The academy management program "Aid Attendance".We operate a server dedicated to the gym and a server dedicated to the academy separately.program introduction1. Management of closed students or counseling during vacation2. Gym trainee T-Con ID management3. Attendance management4. School fee management5. Send group text message6. Two number available7. Send reservation text8. Management of promotion and promotion class evaluation9. Address payment system that allows parents to pay comfortably at homeetcIf you want to use it, please apply for the service on the website below.A one-week free trial is available.The annual fee is 50,000 won.Academy Student Management Program Child Attendance Homepagehttps://icheck.or.kr